Thursday, January 26, 2017

The City of Tigard is conducting surveys to gather community input regarding city services. We want to hear from you and your satisfaction with the city’s day-to-day services and operations. The results will help steer the priorities for a potential local option levy.
We encourage you to participate in the online survey and have your voice be heard. The survey should take between 10 to 15 minutes. All of the information gathered will be treated as confidential and responses will be combined with the results from other survey respondents.  Your answers will be used in the city’s continued efforts to be responsive to our community. 
Common Questions:
What is the survey process?
The City of Tigard is conducting three surveys to find out what matters most to our residents. The online survey is one of three surveys being administered. This is an early step in a process to understand residents’ priorities for the day-to-day services that are budgeted the city’s general fund. The City will share results of the survey in the coming months.
What are some of the questions on the survey?
The survey should take 10 to 15 minutes and covers a range of city-related topics. Sample questions include:

  • Would you say things in Tigard are headed in the right direction?
  • What is the most important issue facing Tigard?
  • Compared to other cities in the Portland Metro area, do you think Tigard’s taxes are generally higher, generally lower, or about the same?

Why does the survey matter?Results of the survey will provide the City Council and budget committee a snapshot of residents’ priorities. These priorities will help steer what should be included in a potential local option levy. The identified resident priorities will allow the city to respond more directly the community’s needs and wants.
Any additional questions? Contact Kent Wyatt –

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