Friday, February 10, 2017

The new officers of the Washington Square Estates Homeowners Association (WSEHA) are:

Bill Dwyer, Chair
Paul Trinchero, Vice Chair
Bill Stinnett, Treasurer
Dolly Specht, Secretary
Bill Price, At-Large

Saturday, February 4, 2017


Bill Dwyer
Bill Price
Bill Stinnett
Paul Trinchero
Dolly Specht

Our first meeting to determine our officers will be on Wednesday, February 8th, 7pm at the Trinchero residence.

to our "retired" board members, Dianne Kostur, Diane Neely and Joan Morley -- who have tirelessly served our neighborhood for many years.
Thank you also to Marilyn Weineke who served on the board for 2016, taking on the task of Bylaws Committee Chair.  We are definitely going to continue this work.  Stay tuned....